
NASA Photo ID: Title:

AS16-106-17340 image text Astronaut John Young photographed collecting lunar samples

AS16-106-17413 image text Astronaut John Young looks over a boulder at Station no. 13 during EVA

AS16-107-17436 image text View of the Lunar Module "Orion" and Lunar Roving Vehicle during first EVA

AS16-107-17442 image text View of Cosmic Ray Experiment near the Apollo 15 Lunar Module

AS16-107-17446 image text Astronaut Charles Duke near Lunar Roving Vehicle at Station no. 4 during EVA

AS16-107-17473 image text Lunar Roving Vehicle parked in lunar depression on slope of Stone Mountain

AS16-107-17561 image text Apollo 16 astronauts take lunar soil sample from Station no.9 during EVA

AS16-107-17573 image text A closeup view of a block found by Apollo 16 crewmen during second EVA

AS16-108-17622 image text Astronaut John Young reaches for tools in Lunar Roving Vehicle during EVA

AS16-109-17804 image text Astronaut John Young on rim of Plum crater gathering lunar rock samples

AS16-110-17960 image text Astronaut John Young replaces tools in Lunar Roving Vehicle during EVA

AS16-112-18234 image text View of rim of South Ray crater on traverse up Stone Mountain during EVA

AS16-113-18282 image text View of the Apollo 16 Command/Service Module from the Lunar module in orbit

AS16-113-18294 image text View of the Apollo 16 Command/Service Module from the Lunar module in orbit

AS16-113-18334 image text View of the Apollo 16 Lunar Module on the lunar surface

AS16-113-18339 image text Astronaut John Young leaps from lunar surface to salute flag

AS16-113-18347 image text Partial view of the deployed Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package

AS16-114-18388 image text Astronaut John Young stands at ALSEP deployment site during first EVA

AS16-114-18422 image text View of Plum crater photographed by Apollo 16 crew during EVA

AS16-114-18423 image text Astronaut Charles Duke photographed collecting lunar samples at Station 1

AS16-114-18433 image text View of the Lunar Portable Magnetometer on the LRV photographed during EVA

AS16-114-18439 image text Astronaut John Young in shadow of Lunar Module behind ultraviolet camera

AS16-115-18549 image text Apollo 16 lunar module "Orion" photographed from distance during EVA

AS16-115-18559 image text Astronaut John Young drives Lunar Roving Vehicle to final parking place

AS16-116-18578 image text Astronaut John Young at LRV prior to deployment of ALSEP during first EVA

AS16-116-18599 image text View of lunar surface at Apollo 16 station 11

AS16-116-18607 image text Astronaut Charles Duke works at front of Lunar Roving Vehicle

AS16-116-18649 image text Astronaut Charles Duke examines surface of boulder at North Ray crater

AS16-116-18653 image text Astronaut Charles Duke stands at rock adjacent to "House Rock"

AS16-116-18671 image text Shadow of astronaut seen in front of rock being sampled

AS16-116-18678 image text Apollo 16 lunar module "Orion" photographed from distance during EVA

AS16-117-18728 image text View of "Shadow Rock" taken during third extravehicular activity

AS16-117-18754 image text Close-up view of RCA color television camera mounted on the LRV

AS16-117-18825 image text Astronaut John Young collecting samples at North Ray crater during EVA

AS16-117-18826 image text Astronaut John Young collecting samples at North Ray crater during EVA

AS16-118-18873 image text Apollo 16 view of the earth from translunar injection

AS16-118-18880 image text Apollo 16 view of the earth from translunar injection

AS16-118-18885 image text Apollo 16 view of the earth from translunar injection

AS16-120-19187 image text Earth rise as photographed by Apollo 16

AS16-120-19237 image text Oblique view of lunar nearside photographed from Apollo 16 spacecraft

AS16-121-19407 image text Oblique view of rim of Guyot crater on lunar farside as seen by Apollo 16

AS16-121-19449 image text Apollo 16 view of portion of lunar surface

AS16-122-19533 image text Ascent stage of Apollo 16 Lunar Module approaches Command/Service modules

AS16-122-19601 image text Oblique view of King crater on lunar farside as seen by Apollo 16

AS16-123-19650 image text Geocorona photographed by Astronaut John Young with UV camera

AS16-123-19657 image text Earth, photographed in far-ultraviolet light with the ultraviolet camera

S71-23843 image text Astronaut John Young drives in One-G Lunar Roving Vehicle during simulation

S71-37118 image text Astronauts Young and Duke in geology training and EVA simulation

S71-37130 image text Astronauts Charles Duke surveys terrain at California training site

S71-44150 image text Vertical view of Apollo 16 landing site located Descartes area lunar nearside

S71-50145 image text Location of Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device in Apollo Command Module

S71-51261 image text Portrait of Astronaut John W. Young

S71-51289 image text Portrait of Astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr.

S71-51295 image text Portrait of Astronaut Thomas K. Mattingly, II

S71-54564 image text Apollo 16 prime and backup crewmen during geological field trip in New Mexico

S71-56246 image text Apollo 16 insignia

S71-57999 image text Prime and backup Apollo 16 crew during preflight briefing

S71-58148 image text Astronaut Thomas Mattingly participates in EVA simulation

S71-59355 image text Astronauts Young and Duke study rock formations on simulated lunar traverse

S71-59357 image text Astronauts Young and Duke collect rock samples along simulated lunar traverse

S72-00147 image text Vertical view Apollo 16 Descartes landing sites as photographed by Apollo 14

S72-16660 image text Apollo 16 prime crew portrait

S72-16852 image text Line drawing of layout of Scietific Instrument Module of Apollo 16

S72-16940 image text Artist's concept of eastward view of Apollo 16 Descartes landing site

S72-19739 image text Astronaut John Young participates in lunar surface EVA training at KSC

S72-19794 image text View of Apollo 16 space vehicle on way from VAB to Pad A, Launch Complex 39

S72-19795 image text View of Apollo 16 space vehicle on way from VAB to Pad A, Launch Complex 39

S72-30159 image text Astronaut Charles Duke hoisted up to Coast Guard helicopter during training

S72-30166 image text Apollo 16 prime crew aboard the NASA Motor Vessel Retriever during training

S72-30694 image text Astronauts Young and Duke begin simulated lunar surface traverse at KSC

S72-30695 image text Astronauts Young and Duke begin simulated lunar surface traverse at KSC

S72-31046 image text Apollo 16 astronauts in Apollo Command Module Mission Simulator

S72-31047 image text Apollo 16 astronauts in Apollo Command Module Mission Simulator

S72-31479 image text Astronaut John Young seated in cockpit of Lunar Landing Training Vehicle

S72-33685 image text Astronauts Young and Duke participate in training with Lunar Roving Vehicle

S72-33898 image text Astronaut Charles Duke trains with core tube on simulated lunar surface

S72-34473 image text View of Apollo 16 space vehicle at Pad A, Launch Complex 39

S72-35188 image text Flight Director Eugene Kranz in Mission Control during Apollo 16 launch

S72-35345 image text Apollo 16 liftoff

S72-35347 image text Apollo 16 liftoff

S72-35351 image text View of Mission Control Center during Apollo 16 flight

S72-35460 image text View of Medical Support Room in Mission Control Center during Apollo 16

S72-35611 image text Astronaut John Young leaps from lunar surface as he salutes U.S. flag

S72-35612 image text Apollo 16 Lunar Module "Orion" at the Descartes landing site

S72-35613 image text Apollo 16 television transmission of lunar module ascent stage liftoff

S72-35614 image text Apollo 16 television transmission of lunar module ascent stage liftoff

S72-35970 image text Mosaic of Apollo 16 Descartes landing site taken from TV transmission

S72-35971 image text Mosaic of Apollo 16 Descartes landing site taken from TV transmission

S72-36262 image text View of ceremonies welcoming Apollo 16 crew aboard U.S.S. Ticonderoga

S72-36291 image text Apollo 16 spacecraft approaches touchdown in the central Pacific Ocean

S72-36293 image text Apollo 16 spacecraft touches down in the central Pacific Ocean

S72-36297 image text Apollo 16 spacecraft touches down in the central Pacific Ocean

S72-36602 image text Apollo 16 Command Module during recovery operations after splashdown

S72-36940 image text View of Apollo 16 lunar sample no. 60017

S72-36970 image text Lunar Roving Vehicle gets speed workout by Astronaut John Young

S72-36972 image text Artificially reproduced image of earth photographed by UV camera

S72-37001 image text Astronaut Thomas Mattingly performs EVA during Apollo 16 transearth coast

S72-37002 image text Lunar Roving Vehicle gets speed workout by Astronaut John Young

S72-37009 image text NASA officials in MCC to decide whether to land Apollo 16 or cancel landing

S72-37155 image text View of Apollo 16 lunar sample no. 68815

S72-37210 image text View of Apollo 16 lunar sample no. 60315

S72-37216 image text View of Apollo 16 lunar sample no. 67015

S72-40818 image text Color enhancement of image of earth photographed by UV camera

S72-40820 image text Color enhancement of image of earth photographed by UV camera

S72-40821 image text Color enhancement of ten-minute far ultraviolet exposure of Earth

S72-55424 image text Apollo 16 view of moon taken with Fairchild metric mapping camera in orbit

S75-23543 image text View of Apollo lunar sample

S89-36956 image text View of replica of the plaque left on Moon by Apollo 16 crew

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